a little bit more

why did you choose the username "llia"?

i couldn't tell you why.

what advice do you have for people?

stop clacking on your keyboard every day. it will be the end of you eventually.

why are you the way that you are?

i've got more mental illnesses than i can count on my paws currently. kill me about it.

what's a guilty pleasure of yours?

arizona iced tea

what thing do you love the most, and hate the most?

LOVE: Jane Remover - Frailty. (maybe venturing?) HATE: Team Fortress 2 (cuz PTSD. do not make me rant about it.)

what would i have to do to stop you from acting like a bitch?

give me pets and whisper sweet nothings to me or something. also maybe enrichment. idfk.

what pokemon would you be if you were one?

a goodra or a glaceon.


modern satanism a.k.a. advanced atheism for dummies

llia's site.