5thnotice :: aug6/24

Autechre - LCC remix. yayuh.

4thnotice :: may8/24

i should redesign this so that it's in a more conventional layout, holy fuck. maybe i'll take cues from b3ta. also run your PNGs thru oxipng ffs.

update :: mar11/24

made a new version of it. final, no takesies backsies.

3rdnotice :: mar10/24

made a short remix of "DJ Re:Code - Prodigal (feat. underscores)" in my own free time. enjoy. (and sorry for not trimming it, audacity doesn't work for me rn >_<)

preachtothe choir :: mar3/24


making responsive websites is a pain in the ass. what's the solution? don't make responsive websites. make them get off of their phone. the fact is this: i can't be bothered to give a single flying fuck about making my site cross platform, especially for small-ass screens. and somehow sites like b3ta with their web design that's been almost half-intact since it's inception can afford to be usable at a portrait resolution in the modern day and age.

anyways, i should learn to fucking pass out on command.


1stnotice :: feb28/24

finally. decided to add this sort-of "blog" (if you could even call it that). i know fully well that this is going to be complete bullshit to maintain, but i don't really care.

i also added a 404 page because why wouldn't i.
